Monday, February 08, 2010

Quick Blast to Hawes

Helen and I went out yesterday for a quick Blast to Hawes. We left home at around 11:00pm to makes sure and frost had already melted. We headed up the M66 and soon arrived at Clitheroe Services to fill up with fuel. From Clitheroe we took the A59 towards Skipton and then turned onto minor roads at Sawley. From Sawley we continued on minor roads to Wigglesworth and then proceeded through Rathmell and then over the A65 and into Settle.

We stopped briefly at Settle but Helen wasn’t hungry yet so we set off for Hawes. We turned onto the B6479 and head for Ribblehead Viaduct. At the viaduct we turned right onto the B6255 and took that all the way to Hawes. We stopped at Hawes and went to the Penny Garth Cafe for some coffee and bacon butties.

After our food break we left Hawes and retraced our route all the way back home. Although the roads conditions weren’t great we still enjoyed ourselves yesterday. I had almost forgotten just how good the VFR is, it is certainly the best bike to use in these sort of conditions.