Monday, March 07, 2011

Rideout to Crossgates

Helen and I went out with NUKB yesterday on a rideout to Crossgates in Wales. It was our first proper ride for ages and we had large turnout to boot too.

We met up with everyone at around 10:00am at Lymm Services. We left Lymm on the M56 and got off at junction 10 and joined the A49. We took the A49 all the way down to Whitchurch where we joined the A525 and then turned left at Redbrook onto the A495 to Ellesmere. We continued through Ellesmere and Whittington on the A495 and joined A483 near Oswestry. We then stopped at Oswestry services for a quick break. At some point we lost Triple1 when his bike decided to throw a chain, thankfully only a back wheel was slightly damaged.

We left the services on the A483 and followed that all the way to Newtown via Welshpool. We then turned left to continue on the A483 to Crossgates. We stopped just outside Newtown and then set off individually to enjoy this stunning road at our own pace. We arrived at Crossgates after a good run and stopped at the services for lunch.

We left Crossgates on the A44 but soon turned left onto the A488 to Knighton. In Knighton we joined the A4113 and followed that to Lingen where we joined the B4367. We continued on up the B4367 through Broome to Craven Arms, somewhere along this road we lost our 2nd bike of the day to another mechanical failure. This time Kegger's BMW RS1200 decided to throw a conrod out the right handside of the Engine. At Craven Arms we joined the A49 and followed that all the way up to Shrewsbury. We went around Shrewsbury on the ringroad and then joined the A49 again. We continued on up the A49 and stopped next to Lynn's Cafe just outside Whitchurch.

After a short break we set off again, but as we where all going in different directions we broke up here. Helen and I followed the A49 all the way to the M56 and then we went home via the M6, M62 and M60. We did have to do some serious filtering on the M62 between Warrington and Eccles. We had to push our way through a bit as the lanes were very narrow and quite a lot of the car drivers either weren't looking or didn't want to let us through.